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Add an Image



//Elements: uploadButton, submit Button (disabled on load), gallery (collapsed on load), Loader (html component; optional; collapsed on load)


import wixUsers from "wix-users";

import wixData from "wix-data";

let userId =;

let galleryItems = [];

let toSave = [];

$w.onReady(function () {

$w("#uploadButton1").fileType = "Image";

$w("#uploadButton1").onChange( () => {

if ($w("#uploadButton1").value.length > 0) {


   $w("#uploadButton1").buttonLabel = "Loading...";



.then( (uploadedFile) => {

     galleryItems.push({type: "image", src: uploadedFile.url});

     $w("#gallery1").items = galleryItems;



     toSave.push({image: uploadedFile.url, userId: userId});


     toSave.length > 1 ? $w("#submit").label = "Save Images" : $w("#submit").label = "Save Image";

$w("#uploadButton1").buttonLabel = "Add another image";


} )

.catch( (uploadError) => {

console.log(`File upload error: ${uploadError.errorCode}`);


} );


} );

$w("#submit").onClick((event) => {

  $w("#submit").label = "saving...";



  wixData.bulkInsert("Pictures", toSave)

  .then(() => {

    $w("#submit").label = "✓ Saved";


    $w("#gallery1").items = [];


    galleryItems = [];

    toSave = [];

    $w("#uploadButton1").buttonLabel = "Add an Image";





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