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//CODE// ----(Note: the sound might not work on mobile browser due to security restrictions)

use a hidden/collapsed audio player element

let counter = -1;

let timer;

let durationInSeconds = 60;

let isSoundOn = true;

$w.onReady(function () {


    $w("#button1").onClick((event) => {

        let status = $w("#button1").label;

        if (status === "Start" || status === "Resume") {

            timer = setInterval(countdown, 100);

            $w("#button1").label = "Pause";


        } else if (status === "Pause") {


            $w("#button1").label = "Resume";



    $w("#button2").onClick((event) => {

        counter = durationInSeconds * 10 + 10;





function countdown() {

    let circleValue = (628 * counter / (durationInSeconds * 10)).toString();

    if (counter === -1) { circleValue = "0"; }

    $w("#vectorImage1").src = `<svg width="226px" height="226px" viewBox="0 0 226 226" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">



<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">

<g id="iPad" transform="translate(-236.000000, -213.000000)" stroke-width="25">

<g id="donut-chart" transform="translate(249.000000, 226.000000)">

<circle id="base" stroke="#8a2be2" cx="100" cy="100" r="100"></circle>

<circle id="segment1" stroke="#D8D8D8" stroke-dasharray="${circleValue},628" cx="100" cy="100" r="100" transform="translate(100, 100) rotate(-90) translate(-100, -100) "></circle>





    if (Number.isInteger(counter / (durationInSeconds * 0.1)) && counter > 0) { $w("#text43").text = `${counter/(durationInSeconds * 0.1)}%`; }


    if (counter > durationInSeconds * 10) {


        if (counter < durationInSeconds * 10 + 10 && isSoundOn) { $w("#audioPlayer1").play(); }

        counter = -1;

        $w("#button1").label = "Start";


        setTimeout(() => {

            $w("#text43").text = "0%";


        }, 200)




export function switch1_change(event) {



        isSoundOn = true;

    } else {


        isSoundOn = false;



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